Who is Ben Johns? Pickleball Phenomenon Player - Pickleball Crunch (2024)

Pickleball, a sport that’s been steadily gaining popularity, has seen the rise of numerous stars who’ve made significant contributions to its growth. One of those stars is Ben Johns, a name synonymous with excellence in the world of pickleball.

But Who is Ben Johns? In this blog post, we’ll explore the life, career, and impact of the man known as the “Pickleball Phenomenon.”

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Ben Johns Bio

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According to WikiPedia about Ben Johns

Benjamin Ellingham Johns (born March 18, 1999) is an American professional pickleball player. He is ranked No. 1 in the world for mixed doubles, No. 1 in the world for singles, and No. 1 in the world for Men’s Doubles by the Pro Pickleball Association.


Pickleball ultimately stole his heart. Ben’s journey in the sport began at the age of 17 when he first picked up a pickleball paddle. It wasn’t long before his exceptional talent and dedication began to shine through.

Gain valuable insights into ““An Introduction To Pickleball“ by reading our informative blog post.

Ben Johns’ ascent in the world of pickleball has been nothing short of remarkable. He quickly established himself as a force to be reckoned with on the courts. His technical prowess, incredible agility, and strategic gameplay have set a new standard for the sport. Ben’s singles and doubles titles have cemented his status as a pickleball legend, and he continues to inspire players of all levels.

Personal Life: Ben Johns comes from Laytonsville, Maryland. He was homeschooled when he was a kid and later graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in Materials Science and Engineering. He’s the middle child among seven siblings, including his older brother, Collin Johns, who is also a highly-ranked professional pickleball player and often teams up with Ben in doubles matches.

The Phenomenal Player

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One of the most striking aspects of Ben Johns’ game is his versatility. His ability to adapt to different styles and opponents is truly extraordinary. Whether he’s at the net, baseline, or in a dinking rally, Ben demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the game. His footwork and agility, combined with an uncanny ability to read his opponents, make him a true phenom on the pickleball court.

Ben’s journey into pickleball began after playing tennis and table tennis as a child. He showed promise in both sports and even helped his older brother, Collin, train for professional tennis. Ben gave pickleball a try in 2016 during a vacation in Florida when he was 17 years old. In just a few months, he impressed by finishing fifth in Men’s Pro Singles at the U.S. Open Pickleball Championships. This success inspired him to enter more tournaments.


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In less than a year, he won his first gold medal at the Riverbend RV Resort Pickleball Tournament. The same year, he returned to the U.S Open and secured the gold in Men’s Pro Singles. Shortly after, he clinched three gold medals at the Canadian Nationals, putting him in the spotlight of the sport. In 2019, he made history by becoming the first male professional player to achieve a “triple crown” by winning gold medals in all three events at one of the world’s major pickleball tournaments, the Tournament of Champions in Brigham City, Utah. This remarkable feat was followed by winning triple crowns at the U.S. Open in both 2021 and 2022. Ben’s list of achievements includes over 80 titles on the PPA Tour, with 15 of them being triple crowns.

One of the most impressive aspects of Ben’s career is his undefeated streak in men’s singles and mixed doubles. In 2019, he enjoyed a 108-match winning streak in singles and remained undefeated in mixed doubles for 22 consecutive tournaments.

In 2019, Ben Johns signed a sponsorship deal with Franklin Sports that lasted for three years. More recently, on April 1, 2022, he entered into a partnership with JOOLA Pickleball, a global sporting goods company based in Rockville, Maryland, where he grew up and played table tennis in his youth. Together with JOOLA, he designed and produced his first JOOLA paddle, the JOOLA Ben Johns Hyperion CFS 16. During the PPA Select Medical Orange County Cup, he introduced the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus CFS 16, the pickleball paddle he currently uses in 2023.

The Impact: Beyond his prowess on the court, Ben Johns has had a significant impact on the sport’s growth. His charisma and enthusiasm for pickleball have helped attract new players and fans. He actively engages with the pickleball community through social media and is known for sharing his knowledge and insights, making the sport more accessible and enjoyable for all.

Ben Johns’ Net Worth

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His exceptional skills on the pickleball court have not only earned him countless titles and recognition but have also translated into significant financial success. While the exact figure of his net worth is not publicly disclosed, it is safe to say that he has made a substantial income from his pickleball career, sponsorships, and other related ventures.

  • Pickleball Earnings: Ben Johns’ primary source of income comes from his professional pickleball career. His numerous tournament wins, both in singles and doubles, have brought him substantial prize money. Major pickleball tournaments offer generous cash prizes, and Ben’s consistent dominance in these events has undoubtedly contributed to his financial success.
  • Sponsorships and Endorsem*nts: Like many successful athletes, Ben Johns has attracted sponsorships and endorsem*nts from various companies in the pickleball industry. These deals can be quite lucrative and provide athletes with additional income. His partnership with paddle and gear manufacturers, as well as apparel brands, has not only enhanced his professional standing but also boosted his financial portfolio.
  • Content Creation and Social Media: Ben Johns has a strong presence on social media, particularly on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. By sharing his pickleball expertise, training routines, and engaging with his followers, he has grown a substantial online following. This online presence can be monetized through ad revenue and partnerships, further contributing to his net worth.
  • Pickleball Clinics and Workshops: Ben Johns frequently conducts pickleball clinics and workshops, sharing his knowledge and expertise with aspiring players. These events can command significant fees, and they offer an additional stream of income for the athlete.

While the exact net worth of Ben Johns remains undisclosed, his combination of prize money, sponsorships, content creation, and teaching endeavors has undoubtedly led to financial success.

Beyond his financial achievements, Ben’s impact on the sport and his dedication to promoting pickleball to a wider audience have solidified his place as a beloved figure in the pickleball community.

Let’s sum it all up.

An inspiring figure, and a true ambassador of pickleball. His journey from a young enthusiast to a global pickleball sensation is nothing short of extraordinary.

As the sport continues to evolve and captivate more hearts, Ben Johns remains at the forefront, defining the very essence of excellence in pickleball.

Ben Johns’ story serves as a testament to the passion and dedication that can drive one to greatness. Watch out for this pickleball phenomenon as he continues to redefine the game, leaving an indelible mark on the world of sports.

Feature Image Source: PPATour

Finally, let’s have a quicker look at the most frequently asked questions.

How much money has Ben Johns made?

The exact amount of money Ben Johns has earned from his pickleball career is not publicly disclosed, but it is known to be a substantial sum, considering his numerous tournament wins, sponsorships, and endorsem*nts.

How many titles has Ben Johns won?

Ben Johns has won over 80 Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) Titles in his illustrious pickleball career, establishing himself as one of the sport’s most decorated players.

Was Ben Johns a tennis player?

Ben Johns did not start as a tennis player; he began his sports journey with other activities before discovering and excelling in pickleball. His exceptional pickleball skills and dedication have made him a prominent figure in the sport.

Who is the highest paid pickleball?

The title of the highest-paid pickleball player can change over time due to various factors such as sponsorships, tournament success, and business ventures.

Who is Ben Johns? Pickleball Phenomenon Player - Pickleball Crunch (2024)
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