Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 15, 2023 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 15,2023

JudyNote: It is mypersonal opinion that the Ten Days of Media Darkness will include ten daysof exchange/ redemption for us in Tier4b, the Internet Group who have purchasedforeign currencies and Zim Bonds.

Accordingto Q’s latest post, those ten days would start around midnight on Fri. 15 Dec. and end Christmas Day 25 Dec.

Duringthe Ten Days of Darkness all Mass Media TV and radioprogramming will be taken down, while eight hour documentaries will bebroadcast 24/7 on the new Star Link Satellite System. Through thosedocumentaries the public will be introduced to the new Global Financial Systemand educated on the Mass arrests and Military Tribunals of Global and PoliticalElites.

Onthat same Fri. 15 Dec. People of the World would switch tothe new Global Financial System where all bank accounts would no longer beunder control of the Cabal’s Central Banks. Individuals would have complete privacyand control of their monies and bank accounts functioning through the new StarLink Satellites.

Tier4b would obtain access to the new Global Financial Systemthrough their foreign currency exchange/ Zim Bond redemption appointments atRedemption Centers.

BeginningJan. 1 2024 the General Public would also be invitedto go to Redemption Centers to obtain access to the new financial system.

Thisis only my opinion.

A.Thurs. 14 Dec. Breaking News from the International Common Law Court ofJustice:

·KingCharles convicted by the ICLCJ for indigenous killingsof ten Cree Indians inSaskatchewan last year.

·Charles’abdication was likely in order for him to protect other highly placed criminals as new web of murders has beenuncovered by the ICLCJ Court.

·PublicSummons issued to Trudeau, Archbishopand Rio Tinto CEO’s: Trudeauand others charged with murder of Cree Natives

B.London: Owen Lucas is Free: Global campaign forces his releasefollowing King Charles’ conviction by the ICLCJ.

·Whistleblower OwenLucas was suddenlyreleased from a British prison this week after international protests and newevidence of high-level criminality deepened the crisis threatening themonarchy.

·Owen Lucas wasillegally imprisoned for over a month after he published the evidence of King Charles’ involvement in themurder of Canadian native activist William Combes. Last Monday, Owen walkedfree from Swansea Prison with a vow to“carry on the fight after I geta good night’s sleep.”

·In an email to hisassociate Kevin Annett, Owen thanked the many people who protested his arrest and promised toconduct an exclusive interview soon.

·Meanwhile, the falloutfrom the criminal conviction of Charles Windsor on November 20 continues to spread.Summary Judgement of theWest Coast Common Law Court of Justice, November 20, 2023

·After deputizingBritish Police to enforce the arrest order against Charles, the Court received evidence fromthose convicted with Charles that links him and top Canadian, British, andcorporate officials to the murder of ten Cree Indians in Saskatchewan lastyear.Massmurder, coverup, and payoffs: Following the Big Money behind the Cree Nationmassacre

·The Court will beissuing Public Summonses to Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby, CanadianGovernor-General Mary Simon, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Rio Tintomining company executives Dominic Barton and Jakob Stausholm to answer charges in relation tothose murders.

·“This is all aweirddéjà vurepeat from ten years ago, when our court forcedPope Benedict from office,” remarked Kevin Annett, an advisor to the Court prosecutor.

·“Ratzinger was dumpedto save all the other child-killing cardinals from exposure. But it doesn’t matter what smileyface replaces Charles Windsor. To quote Oliver Cromwell,‘We haveconvicted not only a monarch but monarchy itself.’”

C.Global Currency Reset:

·Thurs.14 Dec. Bruce: The window for Tier4b (us, the InternetGroup) to receive an appointment is betweennow and Sun. 17 Dec, but we got something that extends it to Tues. 19 Dec. On Thurs. 14 Dec. aTreasury representative said Tier4b would be notified Mon. 18 Dec. with exchanges starting on Tues. 19 Dec. There were 16,000 BondHolders who could see their funds but didn’t yet have access to them, but wouldgo on Sun. 17 Dec with access tothem on Mon. 18 Dec. They would bepretty much done by Christmas. Tier4b will probably go on throughChristmas to the end of the month with the Redemption Centers. TheRedemption Center rates will be the best available – you won’t get that in abank. There was a two page Non Disclosure Agreement you would have to sign andthe 55 page booklet of who not to give money to. If you break the NonDisclosure Agreement or give money to someone listed in the booklet youraccount will be seized, and you won’t get the money back.

·Thurs.14 Dec. Texas Snake: I have received a notice today and thenhad it confirmed by several entities unrelated to the original message. Theword I received was the Bondholders as well as CMKX and the Indian Tribes wouldbe notified late tomorrow Fri. 15 Dec.into Saturday 16 Dec, as to how their funds were going to be delivered.Tier4b and Bond Holders would receive our notices late Sun. 17 Dec. into early Mon. Tier 4b could begin schedulingappointments starting next Wed. 20 Dec. to exchange. The 20th is an important date in countryrelative to the Iraqi budget. Everything in country is positive for a Wed. 20 Dec. RV.

·Thurs.14 Dec. RayRen98: The IMF stated they are finished with theRV and have released everything to the individual countries.

·Thurs.14 Dec. Just Listening on Telegram: Rates. Increase. Tradedeals. Swaps. Gold swaps overnight last night. Currency swaps being set up withVietnam. Iraq says they will start spending the balance of their budget on December 20, 2023. Look for the ratechange on or before then.

·Thurs.14 Dec. MarkZ: “Both my Iraqi people and bank peoplethink we are within a couple of days.”

·Thurs.14 Dec. Goldilocks: "UPI To Go Global, You Will Soon BeAble To Make Payments In Dollars." The Unified Payments Interface of Indiajust so happens to have a contract with Iraq with the expectation of them doingtrade in local currencies together. Just hours ago, we learned that Iraq is nowusing the "National Company for Electronic Payment Systems" to aidthem in foreign currency exchanges between countries. This new update will openthe door for seamless transactions across Global Borders with countries whohave a common currency.

·Wed.13Dec. Dollar fell sharply amid Fed's decision: The benchmarkBloomberg Dollar Spot Index fell 0.8%, posting its biggest one-day drop in amonth after the Federal Reserve left its benchmark interest rate unchanged andput forward a more aggressive forecast for monetary easing in 2024.

·Wed.13 Dec. UK economy shrinks in October, signaling a weakness.The UK economy contracted more than expected in October as rising borrowingcosts and wet weather took their toll, setting the stage for another quarter ofstagnation that is widely forecast to persist until 2024. GDP fell 0.3% afterrising 0.2% in September, the Office for National Statistics said. The fall wasthe first since July and exceeded the 0.1% drop forecast by economists.

·Wed.13 Dec. 2023 the US dollar is going away between now and the 20th forcommercial purposes. It will not be used as of the samedata for taxation in the country… Will they still be able to buy dollars totravel…? Yes. Will they be able to use the dollar for transactionsin country for commercial purposes? Answer, No. Will they be ableto use any other currency other than the dinar for commercial purposes withinthe country as of January 1, 2024? …the answer is no… Standby for this toget really exciting because everything we’re seeing is telling me that we’venever been here before.

D.Thurs. 14 Dec. 2023 Bruce,The Big Call :

·Ireceived some information yesterday from a trusted source:The window for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) to receive an appointment is between now and Sun. 17 Dec.

·TodayThurs. 14 Dec. we got something that extends it to Tues. 19 Dec.

·TonightThurs. 14 Dec. a Treasury representative said Tier4bwould be notified Mon. 18 Dec. withexchanges starting on Tues. 19 Dec.

·Therewere 16,000 Bond Holders who could see their funds but didn’tyet have access to them, but would go onSun. 17 Dec with access to them on Mon.18 Dec. They would be pretty much done byChristmas.

·Tier4bwill probably go on through Christmas to the end of the monthwith the Redemption Centers, but they did say they intend to get this done before Christmas.

·Tier4bshouldget email notification from Wells Fargo onMon. 18 Dec. and start Tues. 19 Dec.That is the plan and that’s what been given to me

·TheRedemption Center rates will be the best available –you won’t get that in the small banks. Even if you only hold Dinar and Dong stillcall the toll free number because the rates you get at Redemption Centers willbe the highest.

·Therewas a two page Non Disclosure Agreement you would have to signand the 55 page booklet of who not to give money to. If you give money tosomeone listed in the booklet your account will be seized.

·Politicalchange I believe is coming by the weekend

E.Global Financial Crisis:

·UK'sMetro Bank is down leaving thousands of customers without access to theiraccounts – online services and mobile app not working.

·TelsaRecalls Nearly All Vehicles Sold in US for Autopilot Driver Monitoring System:

·HasbroLaying off 1,000 workers just before Christmas:

F.Restored Republic:

·Thurs.14 Dec. The war in Ukraine is over. Russia has won a massivebattle against NATO and US Inc. The arrest of Zelensky is on the horizon.

·TheFCC allows Space X totest its cellular Starlink system to beam data to smartphones in over twodozen locations across the US.

G. What Is Coming: Emergency Broadcast System toActivate Martial Law, GESARA Announced, and the World Entering the 5thDimension!

·Theworld as we know it is on the brink of a transformation so profound, it willrewrite the very fabric of our society. The plan involves the EmergencyBroadcast System (EBS), Martial Law, the Global Economic Security andReformation Act (GESARA), and much more.

·The EBS, long thought to be a tool for nationalemergencies, is set to play a pivotal role in this grand scheme. It’s expected to be the primary channel forannouncing major changes, possibly including the implementation of Martial Law.

·The GESARA announcement, a moment that will markthe beginning of a new era. GESARA isn’t just a policy change; it’s a completeoverhaul of the global financial system. It’s about rectifying centuries of financial injustices andreturning power to the people. The Deep State Cabal, which has controlled theworld’s wealth and resources, is about to be dethroned. This is not a bailout ora handout; it’s justice.

·The Redemption Centers, which everyone must passthrough, are not just for those holding bonds and foreign currencies. They are the gateways to a new world, wherethe truth will be revealed in the “Disclosures.” These centers will expose theheinous crimes of the elite, including child trafficking and other unspeakableacts. The videos of Military Tribunals and Public Executions will be atestament to the end of an era of corruption and deceit.

·The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is thecornerstone of this new world. It’s a system so advanced, it can detect and prevent crimesagainst humanity in real-time. This isn’t science fiction; this is the futureof banking. The QFS will ensure that the wealth of the world is used for the goodof humanity, not for the greed of a few.

·The new Rainbow Currency, ready to be released, is the symbol of this new era. It representstransparency, equality, and prosperity for all. Your funds, including your 401kand other retirement funds, are safe and have already been transferred to theQFS. Beware of scams telling you otherwise; your financial security is a toppriority in this new system.

·The leveling of the playing field will berevolutionary. Debts will be wipedclean, credit scores will become irrelevant, and financial freedom will be thenew norm. Student loans, credit cards, car notes, mortgages, and even past IRSpayments will be settled. This is the debt jubilee we’ve been waiting for.

·But it’s not just about financial liberation. This change signifies a shift to a higherconsciousness, the 5th Dimension, where love and unity will prevail. The 4-dayworkweeks, the ease of life on the 5D New Earth, are just glimpses of what’s tocome. We are transitioning from a world of debt and slavery to one of freedomand sovereignty.

·This transformation began with the farmers, who are now being compensated with $800million. It’s a symbolic gesture, acknowledging the roots of this movement andthe beginning of the end for the Deep State Cabal’s Central Banking System.

·For those reliant on Social Security, a windfallawaits. Soon, beneficiarieswill receive up to three times their current amount, potentially up to $5,000 amonth. This isn’t just a minor policy adjustment; it’s a financial revolution,ensuring comfort and security in retirement years, previously unheard of.

·The reduction of the retirement age to 60,possibly 62, is more than a meretweaking of numbers. It’s a radical rethinking of our work-life balance,acknowledging the value of our senior years and granting millions the freedomto enjoy life earlier.

·But this transformation goes beyond individualfinances. It’s a societaloverhaul, where care and compassion are not just buzzwords but the cornerstonesof our new reality. The commitment to eradicate homelessness, particularlyamong veterans and the mentally ill, speaks volumes. This isn’t just aboutproviding a roof; it’s about restoring dignity and offering a helping hand tothose who have served and suffered.

·We’re on the cusp of a new era, where thestructures that have long governed our lives are dismantled and re-imagined. The IRS, a symbol of bureaucratic control andcomplexity, is on its way out, marking the end of an era of convoluted taxsystems.

·The real estate market, long a source of financialstress for many, is set to undergo a radical transformation. Imagine a world where housing prices revert tothose of 1955, making home ownership accessible to all. This isn’t just amarket correction; it’s a societal reset, ensuring that the basic need forshelter is affordable for everyone.

·We’re entering an era where our energy needs aremet not just efficiently but freely, thanks to Starlink and Tesla energy innovations. This is agame-changer, not just for household budgets but for our relationship with theenvironment.

·The healthcare landscape is poised for anunprecedented transformation. The end of Big Pharma as we know it marks the collapse of agiant that has long dominated our health choices. In its place, we’re lookingat a future where hospitals and traditional care facilities become obsolete,replaced by Military Med beds and groundbreaking cures, unlocked from NikolaTesla’s vault of 6,0.

·These Med Beds, under the stewardship of theMilitary Secret Space Force Program, signify a leap in medical technologyand accessibility. The notion that the rescued and trafficked children havealready benefited from this technology is a testament to its potential.

·Every single industry, from finance toeducation, from government to tech, is undergoing a radical overhaul. We’re not just evolving; we’re leaping into anew dimension – a 5D World, a Golden Era that promises equality,sustainability, and prosperity.

·This new world order isn’t just about financialand technological advancements. It’s a cultural and social revolution. The move towards 4-day workweeks and a focus oncreative and humanitarian projects represents a shift in our value system,prioritizing well-being and fulfillment over relentless productivity.

·In this new era, the societal hierarchy isdismantled. Single mothers, thementally ill, and the homeless are afforded the same respect and opportunitiesas celebrities and politicians. This is a world where kindness is the currency,and equality is not just a goal but a reality.

·The transformation extends into our homes andcommunities. Parenting classes, arenewed focus on family values, and the de-weaponization of media mark a shifttowards nurturing, supportive environments for all.

·Exclusive Peek into Tesla’s Vault: MedBeds and the6,000 Patents Changing Healthcare Forever!

·Must-Know GESARA Teachings Before Its Arrival:Prepare for the Global Financial Revolution!

·Are You Ready for the 5D Shift? Exclusive InsiderTips on What to Expect and How to Adapt!

H.EBS About to Activate Martial Law: Emergency BroadcastSystem (EBS) Ready to Activate Martial Law!

·Theworld as we know it is on the brink of a transformationso profound, it will rewrite the very fabric of our society. This isn’t justanother news story; this is the revelation of a lifetime. The plan,meticulously orchestrated and hidden in plain sight, is about to unfold. Itinvolves the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), Martial Law, the Global EconomicSecurity and Reformation Act (GESARA), and much more.

·Firstly,let’s talk about the EBS and Martial Law. The EBS, longthought to be a tool for national emergencies, is set to play a pivotal role inthis grand scheme. It’s expected to be the primary channel for announcing majorchanges, possibly including the implementation of Martial Law. This isn’t adrill or a mere speculation; this is a calculated move in a game of chessthat’s been played in the shadows for decades.

·Thencomes the GESARA announcement, a moment that will markthe beginning of a new era. GESARA isn’t just a policy change; it’s a completeoverhaul of the global financial system. It’s about rectifying centuries offinancial injustices and returning power to the people. The Deep State Cabal,which has controlled the world’s wealth and resources, is about to bedethroned. This is not a bailout or a handout; it’s justice.

I.The Real News for Thurs. 14 Dec. 2023:

·Hawaii:Watch Lahaina Maui closely! Everything they are doing there is the agenda foreverywhere else. They're setting up the smart city prisons for the people andthey know the people will not accept check points and getting walled into zonesthey cannot leave. So they create these catastrophes and use words like dustscreens instead of prison walls in which people will be locked inside. Wake upand unite, reject it all before it's too late.


·TopBiden spokesman John Kirby says attacks in the Middle East byIran-backed proxies "obviously are of great concern." Biden hasenriched the Iranian regime with tens of billions of dollars.

·TheHouse of Representatives has officially voted to continue itsimpeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

·EdwardGriffin explains what the Federal Reserve System actually is:"It's a cartel. It's not a government agency, though it has the appearanceof it being a government agency."

·Cyberattacks ramping up:

·SevenArrested in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands on Terrorism Plot:

·13million illegal immigrants now in the USA. That’s more thanthe populations of New York City and Los Angeles combined. No end in sight.

J.The Satanic Christmas Holiday:

·Thurs.14 Dec. US Washington DC Christmas: The group who created theviral Biden Christmas video has been identified as a RADICAL ANTI-WHITE GROUPwho call themselves Dorrance Dance. Their website calls for abolishing prisons,DEFUNDING THE POLICE and has quotedMarxist Angela Davis.

·Wed.13 Dec.: Katie Hobbs Military Tribunal, Day I

·ChristmasDark Satanic Occult Meaning Of Santa Clause:

·ShockingTruth About Christmas (The Pagan Ceremony):

·SatanicDark Truth - Christmas is NOT What You Think:

·RealDark Satanic Origins of Christmas, Santa Claus/Satan Clause and His Elves:

·Satan’sCause post:

·Donot blindly follow the Satan-Nick energy:

·Definitionof Holiday:

K. InternationalChild Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of theVatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel thatruns between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·AmericasMIA Children (1992 Rare VHS): Ted Gunderson Former Head of FBIgoes into detail on a specific case and touches base on NAMBLA, Rituals, theFBI being involved in all of it more and so much more. The Satanic Panic wasreal. Film Highlights: Kids are trained to perform rituals on cats to get readyto kill Babies. Christmas is the time of year where the most Baby sacrificeshappen:

·ChildTraffickers Taken Over Etsy:

·Astomach-churning scene was discovered by FBI agents at thenow-shuttered Biological Resource Center in 2014 as part of a multi-stateinvestigation into the illegal trafficking and sale of human body parts, asreported by the Arizona Republic.

K.Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human ClonesHoaxes:

·Allviruses are manmade and have been patented. All vaccines aremanmade and have been patented by those who make mega bucks off them like Fauci.Four deadly parasites have been found in vaccines. It’s the Crime of theCentury.

·ItalianHealth Minister Roberto Speranza has become the firstworld leader to face multiple murder charges over the millions of deaths causedby mRNA vaccines.

·Virginiaelementary students receive medical treatment after ingestingfentanyl-laced gummy bears. "We have confirmed that the bag was broughtfrom home by a student," the school said.

·CovidVaccines Linked to Menstrual Disorders, Ear Disease:

·$145million spent on Covid Inquiry so far, with three more years yet to run.

L.Presidents net-worth before & after leaving office: Thisis telling you all you need to know:

Carter $2.3M > $10.7M , Nixon $2M > $15M , Reagan $10.6M > $15.4M , Clinton $1.3M > $241.5M , George H.W. Bush $4M > $23M , George W Bush $20M > $40M , Obama $1.3M > $70M , Donald Trump $3B < $2.3B

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 15, 2023 (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.