Printing Paychecks and Direct Deposit Advices (2024)

Page Name

Definition Name


Pay Group Table - CheckDistribution Page


Specify the order inwhich you want paychecks to be sorted and select address and deliveryoptions.

Pay Group Table - CheckSequencing Page


Define print sequenceoptions.

See Setting Up to Print and View Paychecks and Year-End Pay Forms with BI Publisher (BIP).

Print Pay Checks Page


(USA, USF) Print U.S.paychecks by the SQR method using the Pay Check Print - US SQR process(PAY003).

Print Pay Cheques Page


(CAN) Print Canadianpaycheques by the SQR method using the Pay Cheque Print - Canada SQRprocess (PAY003CN).

The (CAN) Print PayCheques page is similar to the (USA) Print Pay Checks Page.

Create PDF Paychecks Page


(USA, USF) Create U.S.paychecks in PDF for printing and self-service viewing using the PrintUS Checks PSJob process (PYCHKUSA).

Create PDF PaychequesPage


(CAN) Create Canadianpaycheques in PDF for printing and self-service viewing using thePrint Canadian Cheques process (PYCHQCAN).

The (CAN) Create PDFPaycheques page is similar to the (USA) Create PDF Paychecks page..

Print Advice Forms Page


(USA, USF) Print deposit advice forms by the SQR method using the Direct DepositAdvice Print SQR process (DDP003).

Print Advice Forms Page


(CAN) Print Canadiandirect deposit advice forms by the SQR method using the Direct DepositAdvice Print SQR process (DDP003CN).

Create PDF Advice Forms Page


(USA, USF) Create deposit advice forms in PDF for printing and self-service viewingusing the Print US Direct Deposit Advice PSJob process (PYDDAUSA).

Create PDF Advice FormsPage


(CAN) Create Canadiandirect deposit advice forms in PDF for printing and self-service viewingusing the Print Can Direct Deposit Advice PSJob process (PYDDACAN).

Check Register Page


(USA, USF) Run PAY004,which is a template for generating a report that lists all checks,in check number order, written in the pay period for each companyin the organization.

Cheque Register Page


(CAN) Run PAY004, whichis a template for generating a report that lists all cheques, in chequenumber order, written in the pay period for each company in the organization.

Direct Deposit RegisterPage


(USA, USF) Run DDP002,which generates a report that lists all direct deposits for employeesin each company in the organization.

Direct Deposit RegisterPage


(CAN) Run DDP002, whichgenerates a report that lists all direct deposits for employees ineach company in the organization.

Direct Deposit AdviceRegister Page


(USA, USF) Run DDP004,which generates a report that lists payroll amounts paid directlyinto the employee's bank account as direct deposits.

This (CAN) report issimilar to the (USA) Check Register (PAY004) report.

Direct Deposit AdviceRegister Page


(CAN) Run DDP004, whichgenerates a report that lists payroll amounts paid directly into theemployee's bank account as direct deposits.

This (CAN) report issimilar to the (USA) Cheque Register (PAY004) report.

View Self Service Paycheck Page



(USA, USF) View employees'self service paychecks in an online view that replicates the employees'view.

Payroll administratorscan view all employee paychecks (both PDF and non-PDF), regardlessof specifications on the Paycheck Options table.

View Self Service PaychequePage



(CAN) View employees'self service paycheques in an online view that replicates the employees'view.

Payroll administratorscan view all employee paycheques (both PDF and non-PDF), regardlessof specifications on the Paycheck Options table.

The (CAN) View SelfService Paycheque page is similar to the (USA) Self Service Paycheckpage.

This overview discussesthe topics related to paychecks and advices.

Content of Paychecksand Advices

All printed checks andadvices contain balance, pay group, and employee data, including thefollowing:

  • Pay group and pay periodinformation.

  • Employee home address,job, and personal tax information.

  • Current period earnings,taxes, and deduction amounts.

  • Year-to-date balances fornoncurrent earnings/taxes/deductions, and leave balances.

  • Federal taxable gross detail.

  • Net pay.

  • Pay distribution betweencheck and direct deposit, including payment type, account number,and deposit amount.

The system suppressesthe current hours and rate information from printing when you distributesalaried employees' standard hours to earnings codes other than theregular earnings code that is defined in the Pay Group table.

PDF Statements andAccessibility Mode

PDF check print andcheck advice files cannot be launched when using accessibility mode.

Methods of PrintingChecks and Advices

Payroll for North Americaenables you to select from two methods of printing checks and advices:

  • Printing by SQR Reports(PAY003, PAY003CN, DDP003, and DDP003CN).

  • Printing in PDF by RTFTemplates using BI Publisher (PYCHKUSA, PYCHQCAN, PYDDAUSA, and PYDDACAN).

(USA) Overflow Statementsand FLSA Weekly Wage Detail

If you print statementsusing BI Publisher, use settings on the Paycheck Options Table Page tochoose whether to print single-page wage statements (with a maximumof thirteen lines) or whether to print overflow statements when thenumber of lines of earnings detail information exceeds the space availableon a single-page wage statement.

If you activate overflowstatements, you also have the option for the statement to includeweekly FLSA wage detail information for employees subject to FLSAwhose pay frequency is biweekly, semi-monthly, or monthly. FLSA weeklywage detail is printed only if the pay group is defined as an FLSApay group on the Pay Group Table - Calc Parameters Page

Note: Overflow statementsand FLSA weekly wage detail are available only when statements aregenerated using BI Publisher.

Garnishment DeductionDisplay on Checks and Advices

The garnishment descriptiongenerally appears on three lines, itemized by Amount (netamount), Co.Fee (company fee), and Payee Fee.

If you print single-pagewage statements, only a maximum of thirteen lines can display on thecheck or advice. In this situation, the total garnishment amount appearson one line with the label Total if thegarnishment description starts on the tenth line. The 13th line displayedon the check/advice is reserved for Other.

Bank MICR Line

A bank MICR (MagneticInk Character Recognition) line appears at the bottom of the check.For BI Publisher printing, specify the MICR font in the RTF template.The numbers represent the check number and the bank transit and accountnumbers. The paycheck SQRs get the Bank ID from the Pay Group table,the transit and account numbers from the Source Bank table, the bankinformation from the Bank table, and the check number from the paysheet(check numbers are assigned during pay confirmation). You must setup the Bank table to make this work.

See Understanding Bank and Bank Branch Setup, and Setting Up to Print and View Paychecks and Year-End Pay Forms with BI Publisher (BIP).

Electronic Signature

An electronically producedsignature appears at the bottom of the check. Here is informationabout how to include the electronic signature for each printing method:

  • SQR printing:

    One way to have a signatureprint on paychecks electronically is to purchase a custom font cartridgefrom Hewlett-Packard. You send an electronic copy of the signatureto Hewlett-Packard, and they then load it into a font cartridge thatyou can use on your HP laser jet printer. Because the signature residesin the font cartridge, it can easily be secured; you can keep it lockedup except when processing checks.

  • BI Publisher printing ofPDFs:

    Modify theRTF check or cheque printing template, and add the URL to your signatureimage.

    See the Report Definition- Template page in Setting Up to Print and View Paychecks and Year-End Pay Forms with BI Publisher (BIP).

Magnetic Ink

For checks to be deemednegotiable legal tender, you must use a special ink when printingthem. Banks accept only checks that have been impregnated with magneticallytreated ink. The Hewlett-Packard font cartridge MICR provides suchink.

Check Sequencingand Sorting

The Pay Group tablepages (Check Distribution and Check Sequencing pages) and employeePayroll Option pages 1 and 2 contain extensive choices for sortingand sequencing employees' paychecks and direct deposit advices. Youcan also specify which address appears on the check or advice form.The printed information on the check or advice form comes from thesepages.

During the Pay Confirmationprocess, the system sorts the checks according to the options thatyou've selected on the Pay Group table and the Payroll Options pagesand assigns check numbers. The check and advice printing processesformat the data from the Paycheck file and print the checks in numericalorder, as they exist in the file.

Direct Deposit AdviceSuppression

To suppress the printingof an employee's direct deposit advice form, select the Suppress DDP Advice Print (suppress direct deposit advice print) check box on the employees'sRequest Direct Deposit page.

This overview discussesthe two methods of printing checks and advices:

  • Printing by SQR Reports(PAY003, PAY003CN, DDP003, and DDP003CN).

  • Printing in PDF by RTFTemplates using BI Publisher (PYCHKUSA, PYCHQCAN, PYDDAUSA, and PYDDACAN).

Note: (USF) As a general rule,federal payments that are certified by a Certifying Officer are issuedthrough the Financial Management Service (FMS), Department of theTreasury. Authority has been delegated to specific agencies to issuepayments outside of this requirement, and this is documented in theTreasury Financial Manual (TFM).

See Setting Up ECS Controls.

Printing by SQRReports

The Check Print andCheque Print SQR reports (PAY003 and PAY003CN) and the Direct DepositAdvice Print SQR reports (DDP003 and DDP003CN) extract the payrolldata for check and advice printing and format it for printing checksand advices.

These reports are deliveredwith sample formats that are intended as templates. Your company mayhave a particular kind of check stock and specific formatting requirementsfor printed paychecks, so you probably want to modify the SQR to reflectyour company's individual in-house style.

Printing in PDFby RTF Template using BI Publisher

Payroll for North Americauses BI Publisher (BIP) to print checks and advices in PDF and todisplay individual checks and advices in self-service.

Note: You must set up theBI Publisher to use this feature.

These PSJob processesprepare the check and advice report files:

  • Print US Checks PSJob process(PYCHKUSA).

  • Print Canadian ChequesPSJob process (PYCHQCAN).

  • Print US Direct DepositAdvice PSJob process (PYDDAUSA).

  • Print Canadian Direct DepositAdvice PSJob process (PYDDACAN).

Each of these PSJobprocesses comprises the following:

  1. An SQR that generates theXML data for the check or advice print file and individual check oradvice files.

    TheSQRs are modified versions of PAY003, PAY003CN, DDP003, and DDP003CN.

  2. An Application Engine process(PY_SSP_BUILD) that inserts individual paycheck data XML files intothe database.

    XMLPublisher generates the self-service check from the XML data whenthe employee views a paycheck in the ePay View Paycheck transactionor when the payroll administrator views paychecks by employee in anonline view page.

  3. An Application Engine process(PY_SSP_PRINT) that generates one or more PDF print files containingall of the paychecks in the pay run in batch sizes (optional) thatyou specify on the print process run control page.

    The system posts the printfiles to the Report Manager. From the Report Manager, open the filein Adobe Acrobat to print the checks.

Payroll for North Americadelivers RTF templates for printing and displaying checks and advices.If you want to modify the format, you must create a new template fileand associate it with the XML Publisher report definition.

See the Report Definition- Template page in Setting Up to Print and View Paychecks and Year-End Pay Forms with BI Publisher (BIP).

Paychecks are availablefor online viewing by employees in the self-service View Paycheckstransaction according to the availability specifications on the PaycheckOptions Table page. The paychecks are also available for viewing inthe administrator's View Self Service Paychecks page as soon as yourun the process. Paycheck availability options do not restrict theadministrator's online viewing.

See PeopleTools: BI Publisherfor PeopleSoft

This topic lists requiredsetup steps for each method of printing paychecks and direct depositadvice forms.

Printing by SQRReports

Before using the PAY003,PAY003CN, DDP003, or DDP003CN SQR processes to print paychecks anddirect deposit advices on check stock, you must set up the Form tablewith the form ID and the last used form number.

If necessary, you canalso modify the SQR to suit your organization's check and advice printingrequirements.

Specify paycheck availabilityinformation in the Paycheck Availability group box on the Paycheck Options Table Page.

Printing in PDFby RTF Template using BI Publisher

Before using the PYCHKUSA,PYCHQCAN, PYDDAUSA, or PYDDACAN PSJob processes to print PDF formsand display self-service PDF checks and advices:

  • Configure Integration Brokerand Report Manager.

  • Update the BI Publishertemplates and form definitions with specifics for your implementation.

  • Specify BI Publisher printingand self-service options.

  • Set up the Form table withthe form ID and the last used form number.


  • PeopleTools: IntegrationBroker

  • PeopleTools: Process Scheduler

Related Links

Setting Up the Form Table for Printing Checks and Direct Deposit Advices

Setting Up to Print and View Paychecks and Year-End Pay Forms with BI Publisher (BIP)

(USA, USF) Use the PrintPay Checks page (RUNCTL_CHK_ADV1) to print U.S. paychecks by the SQRmethod using the Pay Check Print - US SQR process (PAY003).

(CAN) Use the PrintPaycheques page (RUNCTL_CHK_ADV) to print Canadian paycheques by theSQR method using the Pay Cheque Print - Canada SQR process (PAY003CN).


  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingUSA > Produce Checks > Print Pay Checks > Print Pay Checks

  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingUSF > Produce Checks > Print Checks > Print Pay Checks

  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingCAN > Produce Cheques > Print Pay Cheques > Print Pay Cheques

Image: Print Pay Checkspage

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Print Pay Checks page.

Printing Paychecks and Direct Deposit Advices (1)

Note: (CAN) Although the Canadianpage displays with some differences, all fields have the same functionalityas the fields shown on the U.S. page.

Note: The Print Pay Checks page is shown here as an example; all of the run control pages usedfor printing checks and direct deposit reports by the SQR method usethe same parameters.

On-Cycle Run

If you specify onlya pay run ID, the system selects checks from that run ID that arebased on a payroll cycle of only on-cycle, off-cycle, or both.

If you specify a payrun ID and the check range, the system selects only the checks thatare in the check number range and based on a payroll cycle of onlyon-cycle, off-cycle, or both.

Off-Cycle Pay Calendar

If you use this groupbox, you must enter:

  • Company

  • Pay group

  • Pay end date

Available fields andcompleted tasks depend on which option you select in the Payroll Cycle group box:

Payroll Cycle

Field or Control



The page number fieldsare unavailable for entry. The system selects only the on-cycle checksfor the company and pay group with the pay end date that you specify.If you specify a check number range, the system selects only thosechecks.


The page number fieldsare available for entry. The system selects only the off-cycle checksfor the company and pay group with the pay end date that you specify.If you specify the page number range, the system selects all checksin that page range. If you specify a check number range, the systemselects only those checks.


The page number fieldsare available for entry. The system selects both off-cycle and on-cyclechecks for the company and pay group with the pay end date that youspecify. If you specify the page range, the system selects all checksin that page range. If you specify a check number range, the systemselects only those checks.

Check/Advice Numbers

Specify a check or advicenumber range to print only the specified checks or advices.

(USA, USF) Use the CreatePDF Paychecks page (RUNCTL_CHK_ADV1_EP) to create U.S. paychecks inPDF for printing and self-service viewing using the Print US ChecksPSJob process (PYCHKUSA).

(CAN) Use the CreatePDF Paycheques page (RUNCTL_CHK_ADV_EP) to create Canadian paychequesin PDF for printing and self-service viewing using the Print CanadianCheques process (PYCHQCAN).


  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingUSA > Produce Checks > Create PDF Paychecks > Create PDFPaychecks

  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingUSF > Produce Checks > Create PDF Paychecks > Create PDFPaycheck

  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingCAN > Produce Cheques > Create PDF Paycheques > Create PDFPaycheques

Image: Create PDF Paycheckspage

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Create PDF Paychecks page.

Printing Paychecks and Direct Deposit Advices (2)

Note: (CAN) Although the Canadianpage displays with some differences, all fields have the same functionalityas the fields shown on the U.S. page.

Note: The Create PDF Paycheckspage is shown here as an example; all of the run control pages usedfor creating checks and direct deposit reports by the BI Publishermethod use the same parameters.

Note: The paycheck data fromthe current pay run is visible to employes in self service as soon as you run payconfirmation. Running the BI Publisher PDF creation process uses thePaycheck Availability fields on the Paycheck Options Table Page forthe PDF paycheck to determine when the PDF check is viewable in selfservice. For this reason, Oracle recommends that you run the BI PublisherPDF creation process immediately after confirming the payroll. Ifyou are not using the BI Publisher PDF creation process, you can stilldefine the Paycheck Availability fields on the Paycheck Options Tablepage to determine when the check will be viewable in self servicefor non-PDF wage statements.

The run parameters forthe BI Publisher processes are identical to the parameters for theSQR processes with the addition of these options:

Slf Srvc AvailabilityOverride

Field or Control


Days From Check Date

Leave this field blankto retain the default value entered on the Paycheck Options Tablepage. To override the value on the Paycheck Options Table for thischeck or advice print run, enter a different number of days from checkdate. The system issues a confirmation message if you enter an override.If you do not confirm the override, the system does not save the valueyou entered and the field remains blank.

Batch Size

Enter the number ofindividual paychecks that you want to batch together into one PDFprint file. You can determine the optimum file size in your environment.

Process SchedulerSettings

On the Process Requestpage, select the type Web and theformat PDF.

If you ran one of thePDF creation processes to print PDF checks or advice forms throughBI Publisher, you must use the Report Manager to view the PDF printfiles.

To view the paycheckprint files after the report has successfully run and posted:

  1. Access the Report Manager (Reporting Tools > Report Manager).

  2. Locate the file that youwant to open.

    TheBI Publisher reports are the large PDF batch files that contain thenumber of paychecks for each batch that you specified in run parameters.The description of the report batch files includes the report namewith the batch number in brackets.

    Example of PDF checkprint file report description: PRTUSCHK [BATCH0001] PRINTUS CHECKS.

  3. To open the PDF file useone of these methods:

    • From the Report Manager- List page.

      Selectthe Report link in the Report column for the selected batch file.

    • From the Report Manager- Administration page.

      Select the Details link for the selected batch file.

    The system displaysanother page, where you select the *.pdf filelink to access the PDF report in Adobe Acrobat.

(USA, USF) Use the ViewSelf Service Paycheck page (PY_SSP_ADMIN_VIEW) to view employees'self service paychecks in an online view (PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA) that replicatesthe employees' view.

(CAN) Use the View SelfService Paycheque page (PY_SSP_ADMIN_VIEW) to view employees' selfservice paycheques in an online view (PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA) that replicatesthe employees' view.

Note: When using BI Publisher,the system presents a PDF. When not using BI Publisher, the systempresents the HTML version of the wage statement. Payroll administratorscan view all employee paychecks (both PDF and non-PDF), regardlessof specifications on the Paycheck Options table.


  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingUSA > Produce Payroll > Review Self Service Paycheck > View Self ServicePaycheck

  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingUSF > Produce Payroll > Review Self Service Paycheck > View Self ServicePaycheck

  • Payroll for North America > Payroll ProcessingCAN > Produce Payroll > Review Self Service Paycheque > View Self ServicePaycheque

Image: View Self ServicePaycheck page

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the View Self Service Paycheck page.

Printing Paychecks and Direct Deposit Advices (3)

Note: (CAN) Although the Canadianpage displays with some differences, all fields have the same functionalityas the fields shown on the U.S. page.

The payroll administratorsearches by employee ID on the search page to locate a particularemployee's paychecks.

Field or Control


Check Date

Select the check dateto access the check.

PDF checks open in anew window. The system displays non-PDF checks on another View SelfService Paycheck page (PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA).

PDF File

The system selects thisfor checks displayed in PDF.

In accessible mode,the system always displays checks on a PeopleSoft page (and not ina PDF file). Therefore, this column is hidden in accessibility mode.

Printing Paychecks and Direct Deposit Advices (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.