Keto Chia Pudding Recipe (4 Ingredients) (2024)

Satisfy your sweet tooth AND stay full for hours with this thick, creamy keto chia pudding recipe. Easy to make in advance and endlessly customizable, it’ll be a household staple in no time!

Keto Chia Pudding Recipe (4 Ingredients) (1)

Call me strange, but I’ve always found low-carb breakfasts to be my favorite way to start the day (looking at you keto muffins and keto smoothie bowl). They’re not too heavy, so I don’t feel weighed down, and the protein helps me stay full for hours. When they can satisfy my sweet tooth, too, that’s even better.

Inspired by my coconut chia pudding, this recipe uses a short list of keto-friendly ingredients to make a fuss-free breakfast with tons of flavor and a thick, creamy texture.

Table of Contents
  1. Is chia pudding keto friendly?
  2. Ingredients needed
  3. How to make keto chia pudding
  4. Recipe tips and substitutions
  5. Flavor variations
  6. Storage instructions
  7. Frequently asked questions
  8. More keto breakfast recipes to try
  9. Keto Chia Pudding (Recipe Card)

Is chia pudding keto friendly?

Chia seed pudding is made from a combination of chia seeds and liquid, usually milk. Once the seeds are soaked in the liquid, they expand and create a thick, velvety texture. We’re using coconut milk and keto sweeteners to keep this recipe keto-approved.

Here are some reasons why it’s one of my favorite keto breakfast recipes:

  • Nutrient-dense. The health benefits of chia seeds can not be understated. They’re naturally low in calories and high in protein, fiber, minerals, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, they’re vegan and gluten-free.
  • Minimal prep. This pudding is a dream for breakfast. Just combine the ingredients, give it a stir, and add your toppings.
  • Fun to customize. Switch up the milk, pile on the toppings, or change the flavor entirely so you never have to make it the same way twice.
  • Individual portions. I wrote this recipe to make single servings, but you can easily double or triple it to make a big batch of protein-packed pudding for the whole family.

Ingredients needed

The ingredient list for this chia pudding is pretty straightforward, and you might have many of them on hand already. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Chia seeds. The key ingredient, so make sure they’re fresh! I used black chia seeds, but white chia seeds will also work.
  • Coconut milk. I prefer using canned unsweetened coconut milk as I find the texture to be much richer and creamier, but the carton will also work.
  • Keto sweetener. Any keto-friendly sticky sweetener can be used. I used my keto maple syrup, but liquid monk fruit sweetener or keto honey can also work. If it’s not strictly keto, you can use honey or regular maple syrup.
  • Vanilla extract. For a subtle vanilla flavor and to make the pudding taste sweeter.
  • Fresh berries. To garnish. I used strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, but you can use whatever fresh fruit you prefer.

Find the printable recipe with measurements below.

How to make keto chia pudding

Step 1- Combine ingredients. Start by adding the chia seeds, coconut milk, sweetener, and vanilla extract to a bowl or individual mason jars. Let the pudding sit at room temperature for 10 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes.

Step 2- Refrigerate. Cover the pudding with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Step 3- Garnish and serve. Stir the pudding once right before serving, then serve the pudding with the fresh fruit on top.

Keto Chia Pudding Recipe (4 Ingredients) (2)

Recipe tips and substitutions

  • Make it smoother. I know some people are turned off by the sliminess factor of chia seeds. If you’re not a fan, try blending the pudding mixture once it’s set.
  • Add protein. Like my protein chia pudding, adding a scoop of protein powder is a great way to make an even more filling breakfast. Just plan on adding a few extra tablespoons of milk to help it blend.
  • Adjust the sweetness. Give the pudding a taste before you let it set in the fridge, and add more sweetener if needed.
  • Substitute the coconut milk. Try dairy milk, almond milk, oat milk, or even coconut yogurt for extra-thick pudding.
  • Make it for meal prep. If you want to make overnight chia pudding, combine all of the ingredients in your bowl and store it in the fridge overnight. Give it a stir right before serving, and add a little extra milk if it looks too thick.

Flavor variations

As I mentioned, one of the beauties of making this keto pudding is all the different flavor combinations. Here are a few of my favorite flavor combinations:

  • Chocolate chia pudding. Add 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder and top with sugar-free chocolate chips.
  • Chocolate peanut butter pudding. Add 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (or almond butter).
  • Strawberries and cream pudding. Swap the coconut milk for full-fat coconut cream and fold in strawberry jam.
  • Lemon chia pudding. Fold in fresh lemon zest and top the pudding with keto lemon curd.

Storage instructions

To store: Store the leftover chia pudding in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 5-6 days.

To freeze: Place the leftover pudding in a shallow freezer-safe container and freeze for up to 3 months. Let it thaw overnight in the fridge.

Keto Chia Pudding Recipe (4 Ingredients) (3)

Frequently asked questions

Does chia seed pudding spike blood sugar?

Chia seed pudding does not spike blood sugar. In fact, eating chia seeds has been shown to reduce blood sugar and high blood pressure.

Is it OK to eat chia seed pudding every day?

Chia seed pudding can be a nutrient-dense breakfast option worth incorporating into your weekly routine. Just make sure to enjoy it in moderation alongside a well-rounded diet.

More keto breakfast recipes to try

  • Breakfast casserole– A hearty casserole loaded with eggs, veggies, sausage, and cheese.
  • Keto quiche– Layers of creamy eggs, ham, bacon, and melty cheese. Make it with or without a crust.
  • Keto breakfast cookies– Thick, soft, and chewy cookies ready in minutes and packed with nutrition in every bite.
  • Keto yogurt– Homemade yogurt made with just 2 ingredients and 1 gram of net carbs per serving.

Keto Chia Pudding Recipe (4 Ingredients) (4)

Keto Chia Pudding

5 from 53 votes

Satisfy your sweet tooth AND stay full for hours with this thick, creamy keto chia pudding recipe. Easy to make in advance and endlessly customizable, it’ll be a household staple in no time!

Servings: 1 serving

Prep: 1 minute min

Cook: 1 minute min

Total: 2 minutes mins

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  • Combine chia seeds, unsweetened coconut milk, keto maple syrup, and vanilla extract.

  • Let sit on the counter for 10 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes.

  • Cover and refrigerate for at least two hours or overnight.

  • Stir once again before serving. Add toppings of choice.


Serving: 1servingCalories: 281kcalCarbohydrates: 26gProtein: 7gFat: 17gSodium: 7mgPotassium: 176mgFiber: 16gSugar: 7gVitamin A: 23IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 367mgIron: 3mgNET CARBS: 10g

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American

Author: Arman Liew

Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Recipe originally published May 2016 but updated to include new information for your benefit.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for my endorsem*nt, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website.

Keto Chia Pudding Recipe (4 Ingredients) (2024)
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