Elderflower Gin Recipe (2024)

Elderflower Gin Recipe (1)

First things first. To pick Elderflowers, you need Elder Trees. I find these just about impossible to identify until they come into flower. Then suddenly... you start noticing them all over the place.

Every year we make Elderflower cordial, along with other elderflower drink, jellies and my personal favourite: Elderflower Lemon Curd. But we'd never made Elderflower Gin until this year. And I'm here to tell you: Elderflower Gin is a beautiful thing.

Fresh Elderflowers have the most amazing fragrance. Making Elderflower Gin enables you to enjoy their loveliness all year long. We had been keeping an eye on the elderflowers around here for a few days. Then we had a warm spell, and now they all seem to be flowering at once.

So we've made Elderflower Cordial, Elderflower Champagne, Sparkling Elderflower Mead and we will make Elderflower and Gooseberry Vodka too, as we did last year.

But if you make nothing else with Elderflower this year: make Elderflower Gin. It is easy to make, smells so beautiful and is a fabulous long drink with tonic. Or enjoy it on its own with ice. Usually we find infused gins improve with age. I wonder if that will apply to Elderflower Gin? It tastes amazing already! Assuming we can keep our hands off it: I'll let you know...

A note about theappearanceof Homemade Elderflower Gin [2020 update]

When I originally posted this recipe back in 2018, Elderflower Gin wasn't widely available, and certainly wasn't in the public consciousness on the scale it is now.

Now commercially-producedElderflower Gin is everywhere.And it is generally beautifully clear, or yellow, or pink.

I need to mention that your homemade Elderflower Gin will taste beautiful, but it may not look as beautiful as shop-bought. That's because you're not adding artificial colours, nor are you straining every tiny bit of elderflower out (assuming the commercial products use elderflowers in their process, sometimes they will use a flavouring or essences).

I've seen it positively mud-coloured, which isn'tas appealing as a pretty bottle that is crystal clear. Some of the comments on this post were made prior to me adding this update, in case you were wondering.

The risk ofcloudinesscan be minimised by straining the flowers out multiple times through fine muslin to ensure as few bits get through as possible. Or filtering it using a Fine Harris Filter. Because as the 'bits' go brow, that affects the colour and clarity of the final product. Though bear in mind that if you plan to drink this with a mixer like tonic, diluting it makes cloudiness less noticeable.

If not looking like shop bought bothers you, I would advise you not to make as much of this as you planned to, so you can be sure you're happy with the end result before going headlong into it.

I love anything homemade so it doesn't bother me, hopefully it won't put you off either. But I thought I'd better mention it.

If you want to be sure ofcrystal clear elderflower gin and tonic and would like a short cut version: just cheat and add a dash of homemade Elderflower Cordial to your gin and tonic!

  • 750ml of Gin. You don't need to spend the earth, use the cheapest gin you can find. Lidl & Morrisons Gin are generally the cheapest, yet often win blind taste tests.
  • 15-20 freshly picked Elderflower heads
  • Zest of a lemon, taken off in large strips with a potato peeler is fine
  • 100g sugar
  • A 1 litre preserving jar
  • A product suitable for sterilising your equipment - see below.
  • And in a week's time: a possibly pretty (and definitely sterilised) bottle.


Shake the flower heads to get as many insects off as you can. Discard any brown flowers.

Remove the Elderflowers from the stems. I quickly remove the tiny flowers from the bigger stems and pop them into a large bowl, and it really doesn't take too long.

But please don't be tempted not to bother. Thick elderflower stems will make your gin taste bitter and spoil it. Sterilise your jar using either a home brewing steriliser like these, or you can use Milton if you have some.

Place the flower heads and lemon zest in the jar with the sugar. Top up with gin, making sure to cover the flowers. Secure the lid and shake the jar to dissolve the sugar.

Put on a shelf somewhere for a week. If the sugar didn't quite dissolve the first time, shake the jar occasionally until it does.

Elderflower Gin Recipe (2)

If you get a stripe at the top of the jar like this, don't panic. If any of your flowers are above the surface of the liquid for any length of time, they will oxidise and turn brown. Even if a lot of your flowers turn brown, this may affect the colour of your end product, but it won't affect the taste. The key is to drown the flowers in as much gin as is humanly possible.

After a week, strain the gin through muslin into your sterilised bottle of choice. If you love the smell of gin and the smell of Elderflowers, you are in for a treat at this point. Honestly, the whole kitchen smelled wonderful for ages! Put the lid on the bottle, and pop your gin somewhere dark for as long as you can bear.

Theoretically, your Elderflower Gin will last for years. Not in our house, it won't! :)

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Elderflower Gin Recipe (2024)


What goes best with elderflower gin? ›

Use lime in place of lemon - Lime juice and a lime wedge instead of the lemon would be a great variation to this gin and elderflower tonic. Add some ginger. Ginger is another good flavor to pair with elderflower and gin. Try using ginger tonic water or add a couple of slices of fresh ginger as a garnish.

What are the ingredients in Warner's elderflower gin? ›

Ingredients. Fresh handpicked elderflower, juniper, coriander seed, elderflower, cardamom, black pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, angelica root, orange peel, lemon peel, plus a secret ingredient

What to make with elderflower rose gin? ›

Fill a co*cktail glass with ice cubes. Add Empress 1908 Elderflower & Rose Gin and cherry syrup to the glass. Top off with tonic water and gently stir to combine. Garnish with a fresh cherry or a twist of lemon, if desired.

What does elderflower liqueur go well with? ›

Elderflower liqueurs are delicately flavoured, aromatic and floral; they mix brilliantly with pretty much every spirit, both white and brown, even combining well with the strong flavours of mezcal, peated whisky and pisco. Elderflower tends to mix better with light-coloured fruits such as pear, apple and white grapes.

What does elderflower gin taste like? ›

In addition to juniper berries, you will taste the gentle sweetness of elderflower, a bright burst of orange and a touch of floral rose and lavender. The gin's colour is all-natural, from the addition of red rose petals and black carrot.

Does Hendricks gin have elderflower? ›

All gins contain juniper. Hendrick's unique taste comes from its use of roses and cucumbers along with 11 other botanicals, of course including juniper - but also coriander, orange, lemon, angelic, orris root, cubeb berries, caraway seeds, chamomile, elderflower, and yarrow berries.

What are the 3 key ingredients in gin? ›

The primary three ingredients used in the majority of gins are juniper, coriander and angelica. Even though these are the most popular, there are hundreds of flowers, roots, fruits, berries and nuts that are used to create a palate for each gin that makes it distinctive.

Is Elderflower gin nice? ›

A deliciously refreshing aromatic gin that harmonises tangy goosberry with sweet, floral elderflower. Tastes like plump, velvet berries plucked fresh from the farmer's field. Inspired by the wonder of succulent, bountiful soft fruits of Scotland.

What does elderflower do to the body? ›

An extract of the flower is used to make medicine. Elderflower is used for swollen sinuses (sinusitis), colds, influenza (flu), swine flu, bronchitis, diabetes, and constipation. It is also used to increase urine production (as a diuretic), to increase sweating (as a diaphoretic), and to stop bleeding.

Can you drink too much elderflower? ›

Elderflower is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when used in excessive amounts. Some parts of the elder tree contain a cyanide-producing chemical which can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Cooking removes this chemical.

Why does elderflower taste so good? ›

It's Floral, But It's Nothing Like Lavender Or Rose.

Yes, there's that slightly herby flavor you'd get from edible flowers, but elderflower's sweeter than you'd expect - and a little musky. It's closer to lychee in flavor, and it has a crisp, palate-cleansing finish.

Can elderflower liqueur go bad? ›

As a natural liqueur made with fresh flowers, the color may slowly change over time due to natural oxidation (caused by light and air). We recommend that you consume St~Germain liqueur within 6 months after opening, and keep your bottle in a dry, cool space and away from bright light.

What is the difference between elderberry and elderflower liqueur? ›

Elderflower has a woodsy and floral taste, and their sweetness comes out when elderflower is cooked. Photo courtesy of Shadi via Unsplash. Compared to elderflower, elderberry has a more intense taste: woodsy and floral, with a dark flavor that can be bitter and earthy when the fruit is consumed raw.

Is elderflower liqueur the same as St-Germain? ›


What should gin be paired with? ›

Fruit. The sweetness of fruit helps to balance out the juniper and citrus notes in gin. Try pairing gin with berries, melons, or citrus fruits.

What can I add to elderflower tonic? ›

Elderflower Gin & Tonics
  1. 2 oz St. George Botanivore Gin.
  2. 6 oz Fever Tree Elderflower Tonic.
  3. 2 pink grapefruit slices.
  4. a few juniper berries.
  5. rosemary sprig.
Oct 14, 2015

What is the best combination with gin? ›

Now go forth and find your favorite!
  1. Tonic water. Tonic water has a fascinating history with medicinal origins. ...
  2. Bitter lemon. Okay, so let's get to the bit about what is good to mix with gin other than tonic water. ...
  3. Vermouth. ...
  4. Ginger beer. ...
  5. Cranberry juice. ...
  6. Club soda. ...
  7. Orange juice. ...
  8. Lime juice.
Aug 18, 2023

What is best paired with gin? ›

Lime juice, lime cordial and even bitter lime are all equally happy bedfellows of gin. If you have a bottle of gin and some lime cordial or fresh lime juice in your home, then you've got the makings of a gin Gimlet! Combine three parts gin with one part cordial or juice, stir, sip and enjoy.

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