Drow Matron Mother - Search (2024)

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Drow Matron Mother Legacy This doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore. Learn More


attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.Multiattack. The matron mother makes two demon staff attacks or three tentacle rod attacks.Demon Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +10

Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put the drow to sleep.Innate Spellcasting. The drow's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save

Drow Matron Mother


Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The drow uses Spellcasting.Among drow followers of Lolth, each noble house is led by a matron mother, an influential priestess of Lolth charged with carrying out the god

Underdark armies arrayed against the followers of Lolth.A Matron Mother’s LairThe palace of a drow matron mother is her home and fortress. Sigils throughout the building allow the matron

Drow Mother of Rebellion


drow makes one Demon Staff attack.Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The drow uses Spellcasting.Some Drow Matron Mother;matron mothers renounce Lolth and join the war against their former goddess

, providing protection or advice.A Matron Mother’s LairThe palace of a drow matron mother is her home and fortress. Sigils throughout the building allow the matron mother to use the following

Drow Matron Mother

Compendium - Sources->Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Drow Matron Mother At the head of each drow noble house sits a matron mother, an influential priestess of Lolth charged with carrying out the god’s will while also advancing the interests of the

given. The stat block here represents a matron mother at the height of her power. Matron mother is a strange title for a cruel tyrant, but given what drow consider to be a goddess, perhaps we shouldn’t

Drow Matron Mother

Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

Drow Matron Mother Among drow followers of Lolth, each noble house is led by a matron mother, an influential priestess of Lolth charged with carrying out the god’s will while also advancing the

takes back what she has given. The stat block here represents a matron mother at the height of her power. A matron mother is almost never encountered alone. She is typically accompanied by a drow favored

mother’s addled logic, Lolth is using the demon lords to test the strength of House Baenre and lay waste to the enemies of the drow. However, the matron mother doesn’t want Gromph’s spell or damning

. Dozens of drow warriors are stationed on the overlooks and walkways, ever vigilant as they watch your approach. When the characters are taken into the compound, the matron mother welcomes them in

Drow Inquisitor


, and their authority is equaled only by that of the drow matron mother of the noble houses. Anyone they decide is at odds with the hierarchy faces painful interrogation and usually an excruciating death

Discern Lie. The drow discerns when a creature in earshot speaks a lie in a language the drow knows.Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can&rsquo

Drow Favored Consort


, including the powerful drow matron mother, takes an attractive drow as consort. Chosen as much for beauty as for magical might, a drow favored consort can hold their own in both conversation and combat

Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to sleep.Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack

Drow House Captain


is typically the first or second son of a drow matron mother. Elsewhere drow house captains fight in the war against Lolth, often allying with duergar and others who also wish to rid their

Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to sleep.Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack

Drow Inquisitor (Summoner Variant)


only by that of the drow matron mother of the noble houses. Anyone they decide is at odds with the hierarchy faces painful interrogation and usually an excruciating death.Spectral Dagger (Recharges

Discern Lie. The drow discerns when a creature in earshot speaks a lie in a language the drow knows.Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can&rsquo

Challenge 20

Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

Challenge 20 Drow matron mother LeviathanNightwalker


Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

Drow inquisitor Drow matron mother Drow shadowblade Duergar despot Duergar kavalrachni Duergar mind master Duergar soulblade Duergar stone guard Duergar warlord Duergar xarrorn

Humanoids Abjurer wizard Apprentice wizard Archdruid Archer Bard Blackguard Champion Conjurer wizard Diviner wizard Drow arachnomancer Drow favored consort Drow house captain

Private Meetings

Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

district. Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre sends thirty dour drow elite warrior mounted on giant riding lizards (see the end of chapter 8 for statistics), with six gargoyles providing aerial support. They have orders to escort the party to House Baenre atop Qu’ellarz’orl.

Private Meetings If House Baenre and Bregan D’aerthe get wind of the party’s presence in the city, the characters are confronted by drow tasked with escorting them to a private meeting with the

Underdark Creatures

Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

despot, oinoloth, yuan-ti anathema 13 Angry sorrowsworn, devourer, dire troll, drow arachnomancer, neothelid, wastrilith 14 Drow inquisitor, elder brain, fire giant dreadnought, retriever 15 Nabassu, skull lord 17 Nagpa 18 Drow favored consort, sibriex 20 Drow matron mother, nightwalker 22 Zaratan

One 7 Armanite, dhergoloth, draegloth, lost sorrowsworn, shadar-kai shadow dancer, venom troll, warlock of the Fiend 8 Blackguard, canoloth, howler 9 Drow house captain, shadar-kai gloom weaver, lonely

Underdark Creatures

Compendium - Sources->Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

XP) Dire troll, drow arachnomancer, the Angry, wastrilith 13 (10,000 XP) Drow inquisitor, retriever 14 (11,500 XP) Nabassu, skull lord 15 (13,000 XP) Nagpa 17 (18,000 XP) Drow favored consort, sibriex 18 (20,000 XP) Drow matron mother, nightwalker 20 (25,000 XP) Zaratan 22 (41,000 XP)

oblex, kruthik hive lord 5 (1,800 XP) Duergar warlord 6 (2,300 XP) Armanite, dhergoloth, shadow dancer, theLost, venom troll 7 (2,900 XP) Canoloth, howler 8 (3,900 XP) Drow house captain, gloom


Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

wizardry. The archmage’s quarters have been declared off limits by Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre, who’s trying to cover up Gromph’s involvement in the devastating attack on Menzoberranzan. The

adventurers can safely enter Sorcere with the aid of Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre, Jarlaxle Baenre, or members of the Council of Spiders. Once inside, the characters on their own, as none of these NPCs or their agents want to be connected to the adventurers if things go awry.


Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

jeopardy. If the characters drawn attention to themselves, the gargoyles fly back to House Baenre and report what they’ve seen. Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre, believing that the characters are potentially of

“Private Meetings” section for tips on how to roleplay the encounter with Matron Mother Quenthel. Giant Wolf Spiders These spiders lurk in burrows beneath the gardens, leaping out to attack the party as

Drow House Captain

Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

captain, who is typically the first or second son of a drow matron mother (appears in this book). Elsewhere drow house captains fight in the war against Lolth, often allying with duergar and others

Drow House Captain A drow house captain leads the troops of an Underdark faction, whether defending a stronghold or leading forces against enemies. These officers make extensive study of strategy and

Stat Blocks by Creature Type

Compendium - Sources->Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Spirittroll Venomtroll Humanoids Derro Derrosavant Drow arachnomancer Drow favored consort Drow house captain Drow inquisitor Drow matronmother Drow shadowblade Duergar

Stat Blocks by Challenge Rating

Compendium - Sources->Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Drow matronmother Leviathan Nightwalker Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Astral dreadnought Hutijin Moloch Molydeus Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Geryon Zaratan Challenge 23

Challenge 8(3,900 XP) Canoloth Corpseflower Deathlock mastermind Howler Sword wraith commander Challenge 9(5,000 XP) Drow house captain Frost salamander Gloomweaver Hydroloth Rot


Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

Menzoberranzan Rank House Matron Mother Notes 1 Baenre Quenthel Baenre Controls all three branches of the Academy (see “Tier Breche”) 2 Barrison Del’Armgo Mez’Barris Armgo Has the largest number of

top. The Archmage of Menzoberranzan, Gromph Baenre, has fled the city in the wake of Demogorgon’s attack, leaving the task of lighting Narbondel to a host of other wizards. Drow Ruling Houses of



most have half a dozen or so. A gnome’s mother, father, clan elder, aunts, and uncles each give the gnome a name, and various nicknames from just about everyone else might or might not stick

or one from another source.DEEP GNOMESA third subrace of gnomes, the deep gnomes (or svirfneblin), live in small communities scattered in the Underdark. Unlike the duergar and the drow


Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

creatures for food; poisons, potions, oils, and elixirs; jewelry, perfume, and silk Organizations: The Ruling Council (comprised of the matron mothers of the eight most powerful drow noble houses in the

Menzoberranzan Population: 20,000 drow plus thousands of slaves (of various races) Government: Matriarchal theocracy worshiping Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders Defense: Large standing army of

Gromph Baenre

Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

Gromph Baenre The fate of Gromph Baenre, instigator of chaos and Vizeran’s rival, remains a mystery. If he yet lives, his role in recent events earns him many new enemies. Matron Mother Quenthel

Random Encounters in Sorcere

Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

chance that these mages have been forewarned of the party’s arrival, either by Vizeran DeVir or by Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre, in which case they let the characters pass. Otherwise, the drow mages

Random Encounters in Sorcere Inside Sorcere, the characters might encounter drow wizards as well as their apprentices, familiars, and other magical creatures. If they enter with Quenthel Baenre’s

Bregan D'aerthe

Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

House Baenre. The company’s founder and leader, Jarlaxle, is brother to both Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre and Archmage Gromph Baenre, though this fact isn’t widely known. Jarlaxle doesn’t care what the

Drow Favored Consort

Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

Drow Favored Consort Nearly every priestess of Lolth, including the powerful drow matron mother in this book, takes an attractive drow as consort. Chosen as much for beauty as for magical might, a

drow favored consort can hold their own in both conversation and combat. Combining the roles of advisor, protector, and beloved, some favored consorts are content with a supporting role, while more


Compendium - Sources->Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide

advantages over each other, they all live under the heel of House Baenre and the Matron Mother, who rules the city in Lolth’s name. On a large plateau high above the cavern floor is Tier Breche, also

in the City of Spiders, the drow aren’t so extravagant that they do away with every captive they take. At the same time, they are masters of punishment — it is fear of pain, not fear of death, that

House Baenre

Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

House Baenre The matron mother of House Baenre is the voice of Lolth in Menzoberranzan, and despite recent events, maintains absolute control of the city. Quenthel knows how Demogorgon made his way


Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check, convince the priestess to escort them to Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre (see “Private Meetings” later in this chapter). If the check fails by 5 or more, the

small inns, taprooms, and pleasure houses catering to locals, visitors, and high-status drow seeking distraction. Parts of Duthcloim were damaged or destroyed after Demogorgon emerged from the Clawrift


Compendium - Sources->Monster Manual

short lived and fraught with peril. Drow society is divided into noble houses, each ruled by a matron who seeks to raise the prestige and power of her house above all others. Other high-ranking members

. In drow society, males are subservient to females. A male drow might lead an Underdark patrol or a raiding party to the surface, but he reports to a female drow — either the matron of his house or

Drow Priestess of Lolth

Compendium - Sources->Monster Manual

. Such priestesses execute the will of the Spider Queen, and as a result, they wield tremendous power and influence in drow society. The matron mothers who rule the drow houses are the most powerful of

Drow Priestess of Lolth Female drow with blood ties to a noble house are molded and trained from birth to become priestesses of Lolth. The Spider Queen doesn’t allow male drow to hold such positions

Random Encounters

Compendium - Sources->Out of the Abyss

of a purple worm nursery, where they hope to find a purple worm egg as a gift for their matron mother. If the characters have an egg clearly in their possession, the drow party tries to take it

Encounters d20 Encounter 1–10 No encounter 11 1 drider 12 Drow hunting party 13 3d6 dwarf commoners 14 1d6 ettins 15 3d6 flumphs 16 Grick nest 17 1 purple worm 18 2d6 troglodytes 19 1d4 trolls 20 1 umber

Drow Inquisitor

Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

only by that of the drow matron mothers (also in this book) of the noble houses. Anyone they decide is at odds with the hierarchy faces painful interrogation and usually an excruciating death. Variant

Drow Inquisitor Lolth’s worshipers expect treachery—the Spider Queen encourages it, after all. A certain amount of backstabbing and double-crossing can be managed, but too much can undermine an

Drow Favored Consort

Compendium - Sources->Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Drow Favored Consort Nearly all priestesses of Lolth, including the powerful matron mothers, take attractive drow as their consorts. Often these individuals serve no purpose beyond pleasure, breeding

with their favor, which are they are especially glad to lavish on a consort who combines beauty with magical might. Drow Favored Consort Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil Armor Class15 (18

Drow Matron Mother - Search (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.