Brutal Prince (Brutal Birthright, #1) (2024)

2,5 โ˜…

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I was so excited to read this bc enemies to lovers?? Fake marriage?? Yes please ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ and the book started so well with such good pacing and all plus the badass- AND JEALOUSY- scenes were just๐ŸคŒ, but the rest was not that good

Now I wanna start with saying this is not a bad book or anything, it just didnโ€™t have the things in it that are, for me, necessary in a romance book.

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The plot wasโ€ฆ. I donโ€™t know what the plot was ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธI just finished this book a couple hours ago and I can not for the life of me remember what the big plot twist was.

There was none.
I also hoped this would be slow burn but no they did it 35% in and after that they werenโ€™t enemies anymore- not friends, no, but not enemies either and you would expect them to hate each other until the end bc he literally destroyed her brothers dream and she threw his most special possession away but no

Basically: Relationship development wasnโ€™t done well in my opinion nor the character development. It should have been slower, bc a couple procent after the 35% mark things just started going way too fast and it was boring. The scenes in it were great to keep your attention, but the developments werenโ€™t.

Owh And it wasnโ€™t cute and romantic enough

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The relationship with the brothers made me very emotional- I literally cried ๐Ÿ’€ bc of personal reasons I always become a mess reading about such relationships whether it is with brothers or whatever. I loved and hated those scenes at the same time but anyways we stan Sebastian bc he got two knees but only one sister

jumping off a cliff right now.

I wish we got more Sebastian tho like the boy just dipped after that and made a small appearance in the end what was weird bc I would expect Aida to talk about him and visit him more but no


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Listen, I donโ€™t mind dark romance guys like one of my fave series is a dark romance serie, but I have a limit ๐Ÿ˜ญ him doing that spa thing made me very uncomfortable and him finding it SEXY how she was drowning??? Iโ€™m sorry but no. Plus a couple of the things he said didnโ€™t sit well with me. Once again, I know they are enemies and obviously they are going to be sh*tty to each other but there is a limit to what I can take and he just sprinted over the line while giving me the finger during some scenes- besides that I could not for the life of me imagine him as an attractive guy like all I saw was a blurry white face with stark blue eyes and hair thats hard bc of the amount of gel thatโ€™s in it

If we forget all of that, he was okay. I loved the jealousy scenes a lot, but yea he was kinda plain idk.

Here are 2 of the beautiful things he said๐Ÿฅฐ

โ–ธ โ€œIโ€™m supposed to consummate the marriage, and Iโ€™m not f*cking some messy little ragamuffin in flip flops and jean shorts. I expect her to be properly groomed, from head to toe. I love the idea of her being primped and cleaned and waxed to my specifications. Like a little doll, built just the way I like it.โ€

She did not give consent to that spa thing happening, just so you know

โ–ธ โ€œIf you think Iโ€™m gonna be some little p*rn star for youโ€”โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s just bare minimum standardsโ€”โ€


Sheโ€™s kinda annoying like what do you mean โ€œIโ€™m ThE oNe ThAT cArRiEd HiM aWAyโ€ you are the dumb btch that made sure his knee and dreams got destroyed so maybe you gotta shut that big mouth of yours.

Either way, I donโ€™t think sheโ€™s a bad person, just plainly stupid at times.

For the rest of the book, she was okay. I never really loved her throughout the book but I didnโ€™t hate her either

โ€œAida who is heartily regretting annoying the Griffins, if only because Iโ€™m going to be trapped here until the end of time while Fergus and Papa talk and talk and talk forever . . .โ€
Aida should regret burning down the Griffins house bc it destroyed her brothers dreams and life

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You know that scene where he put his hand on her thigh and she slapped his hand away? And he continued and then she slapped him on the face and he still had the audacity to kiss her and another smut scene to come?? I know this is part of dark romance, but consent means so much to me ๐Ÿ˜ญ I have read dark romance books where consent was always there and in this book, with that scene, it wasnโ€™t really there. In the end she may have liked it but still

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So yea this story was okay, but I donโ€™t really recommend it.
Great concept, but not done well.


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Yes like 5 scenes

Brutal Prince (Brutal Birthright, #1) (2024)


Is the Brutal Prince book spicy? โ€บ

You better believe Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark is spicy! If you're looking for the spicy chapters, skip to chapters 12, 15, 17, 23, and 29.

How many books are there in Brutal Prince? โ€บ

There are 6 books in this series. Select the number of items you want to purchase. There are 6 books in this series.

Is Brutal Prince worth reading? โ€บ

If you love mafia romances with strong tension, enemies-to-lovers, and arranged marriages and are looking for an easy, quick read, I recommend reading โ€œBrutal Prince.โ€ But, if you're not into cheesy dialogue and would instead read a more detailed and stronger-written story, maybe hold off on this one for now.

Can I read Brutal Prince as a standalone? โ€บ

โ€œBrutal Princeโ€ is the explosive first act in the epic โ€œBrutal Birthrightโ€ series. It's a stand-alone Dark Mafia Romance, complete with HEA and no cliffhangers.

Can a 13 year old read cruel prince? โ€บ

Appropriate for readers ages 13+, fans of The Cruel Prince would be wise to look into the rest of Black's literary catalogue, as the worlds of her novels have finely tuned connections.

Are there any spicy scenes in Cruel Prince? โ€บ

The Cruel Prince starts out with some extreme distain between Jude and Cardan, but after a shared goal forces them to spend a lot more time togetherโ€ฆ tensions of a different variety start to form between the two. Aside from some dangerously passionate kissing, I'll say the first book might be a little tame.

What trope is Brutal Prince? โ€บ

Brutal Prince is an enemies to lovers/arranged marriage trope and the first book in the Brutal Birthright series. I thought this was a really fun, easy reading romance told from dual POV's with two strongheaded MC's.

What age rating is Brutal Prince? โ€บ

It's a stand-alone Dark Mafia Romance, complete with HEA and no cliffhangers. It contains blazing hot bedroom scenes for mature readers only!!!

Is The Cruel Prince clean? โ€บ

This book has some great romance, no sex, just some passionate kisses. There are very few swear words. The violence is a lot, but I wouldn't describe it as "graphic" or "frightening", especially for older teens. Violence is typical in fantasy novels; a few stabbings are the main violence in this book.

Do I have to read the brutal birthright series in order? โ€บ

This is the last book in the Brutal Birthright serious. Enjoyed reading all the books and they can be read as standalone. However I would suggest reading them in order as all the characters appear in all the books.

What does HEA mean in books? โ€บ

What does an HEA book mean? "HEA" is an acronym for โ€œhappily ever after.โ€ Most of the time, a book with an HEA is thought of as something that happens in romance novels: the guy and the girl go through some hard times, but everything comes together flawlessly by the end of the read. That's an HEA book.

What are the spicy chapters in Stolen Heir? โ€บ

Yes - Stolen Heir by Sophie Lark is spicy! Chapters 11, 15, 20, 23, 30, and 32 are the spicy chapters if you want to skip right to the good stuff.

Is the plated prisoner series spicy? โ€บ

Yes and YES! Book one is really all about the toe-curling tensionโ€” It has some spice for sure, but it's not a spicy-scene-every-chapter kind of book. Books two and three will be far more spicy.

Is the twisted book series spicy? โ€บ

Huang is a romance author who didn't write her first novel until 2020, during lockdown, and rose to international fame a year later with her steamy Twisted series. The four-novel series is dripping with suspense, dark themes and 'spice' (sex) and Huang's parents are totally banned from ever picking it up.

Is Cruel King spicy? โ€บ

Cruel King by Rina Kent is book one in the Royal Elite books. This is a dark new adult romance. Check your triggers. The spice is a slow burn, but once it hits, it's spicy.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.